Eastern Connecticut Symphony volunteers are an essential part of our organization. Without their support, it would be difficult to offer amazing musical opportunities for the community. There are many ways to join this diverse group of individuals who help us fulfill our mission.
Types of Volunteer Opportunities

Board of Directors
The ECSO Board of Directors is a dedicated group of community leaders that helps to foster growth for the orchestra. They act as enthusiastic ambassadors for the orchestra, assist with fundraising, engage in strategic planning to creatively meet challenges and take advantage of opportunities, and attend as many ECSO events as their schedule permits.
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Want to listen to music for free? From stuffing programs to ensuring patrons are able to find their seats safely, ushers are an integral part of our concerts and community performances. Working with the Garde or ECSO staff, ushers will assist during the entire concert and also help with general cleanup in the seating areas after patrons have departed.
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Gala and Fundraisers
You don’t have to be on the gala committee to help with our gala or other fundraisers throughout the year. We always need help with auction support and signing guests in and out.
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Looking for something slower paced? At our quiet office in New London, we need volunteers to stuff envelopes, make phone calls, or perform other administrative duties. Office snacks included!
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